The only ONE

Swathi Masetty
1 min readJun 13, 2020

— It’ me, it’s my story —

Here I would like to share my experiences and how it helped me in learning new things since I started my new job as a UX Designer.

Being an only ONE IT expert or with experience in the design and creative field with the systems in a non-profit organization in Germany, always aimed to give better user experiences.

I Experienced and which I Learnt: How to work on my own, improved social networking during the process of finding the design solutions in social network sites, improved German language communication skills

Never feel lonely if you are also the one like me in any small scale/organization, working as ONE can lead to better performance, learn things quickly, improves stability, increases productivity, and many more.

At the same time, working alone has equal disadvantages but as I believe how we handle the situations is important and it always varies from person to person.

#Never lose self-confident #Keep exploring #improve social networking

Written By


UX/UI Designer

